Title: STEP4youth (Sport Towards Employment Possibilities for youth migrants and refugees)
Coordinator: Barca Foundation (ES)
Project's Duration: 24 months (1/2020 – 12/2021)
Short description
The objective of the project is to design, test and evaluate a new sport-based intervention that introduces and improves employability knowledge, skills and networks in order to foster the social inclusion of refugee and migrant youth (including unaccompanied minors and youth at highest risk) in Europe.
Target group
Refugee and migrant youth aged 16- 21.
Output 1:
Output 2:
Output 3:
Handbook: Best Practices on sport for employability for young people at risk of exclusion
The handbook will contain a selection of projects / initiatives already tested in Europe with the objective of fostering the employability skills and abilities of young people at risk of exclusion. Special focus will be put on the practical aspects of these best practices, as STEP4youth’s own model will be built with an extremely practical approach.
Practical intervention (manual) and training material
This IO is a core deliverable of the project. It describes in a detailed manner the whole methodology of intervention to foster the employability skills and capacities through sport and in combination with other leisure games and activities of reflection. The manual is complemented with the training material, to be used during the training sessions to coaches and educators (MSE 1 to 4) and by short video tutorials to facilitate the learning process.
Intervention’s final systematization report (including conclusions and recommendations)
This outputs includes the conclusions and the recommendations which will derive from the pilot testing of the training material.