Title: REWINS (REfugee Womens INclusion through Sports)
Coordinator: FARE Network (UK)
Project's Duration: 24 months (1/2019 – 12/2020 – extended until 6/2021)
Short description
REWINS program is a sport small collaborative partnership, funded under the Erasmus+ Sport programme, focusing on the enhancement of refugee women’s sport participation. Project’s activities include a research study, a capacity building course and the establishment of a female refugee football team.
Target group
Refugee women.
Output 1:
Output 2:
Output 3:
Data collection and Good practices analysis report aims to:
- Provide the basis for the development of all subsequent IOs
- “Set the scene” for customizing SCORE project’s overall contribution to target group.
- Provide a comprehensive understanding of all the issues related to the social integration.
Capacity Building Training Course on Inclusive Coaching aims to:
- Transfer educational objectives about cultural diversity, intercultural equality and social inclusion of refugee women into practice.
- Serve as a guidebook for an inclusive training of coaches and representatives of the sport clubs to support the social inclusion of refugee women.
- Provide a practical framework for acquiring specific and targeted education.
Web-tool for integration through sports
This Output includes the development of a web-tool for integration which will be a fundamental tool towards the achievement of the project’s objectives. It will be used for the implementation of the intervention, as a tool for triggering participants’ interest, and a means of communicating, and importantly, disseminating and exploiting of the project’s results.