Title: INSPIRES (INtegration through SPort and Inclusion for Refugees in Europe for Sustainability)
Coordinator: FARE Network Stichting (GR)
Partners: Organization Earth (GR)
Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti Aps (IT)
Champions ohne Grenzen (GER)
Monaliiku (FIN)
Project's Duration: 36 months (1/2021 – 12/2023)
Short description
INSPIRES will develop, pilot and foster practical solutions to support actors in football and CSOs to be able to implement football projects and activities that develop a refined understanding of the challenges, and opportunities, that sport has in the integration of refugees, with a focus on female refugees.
Target group
Refugee women, sports coaches, CSOs, associated organizations, NGOs.
Work Packages
WP1: Needs Analysis
WP2: European Stocktaking Seminar
WP3: Online Capacity Building & Exchange Platform
WP4: Local Piloting & Network Development
WP5: National Tournaments with Policy Roundtables
Create and run an online survey targeting coaches working with refugees, to map the perspectives of football actors toward working with refugees in 5 EU countries.
Create and run an online survey targeting organizations working with refugees to map their needs (administrative, practical and mental obstacles) for capacity building.
Organize a one-day Seminar for coaches and CSOs working with refugees to present the needs assessment results, take stock of existing perspectives, visions, ambitions and practices and to establish a core network.Create friendly user infographics capturing all key findings.
Develop an interaction design of online modules for mutual learning and exchange.Build a dedicated content creation flow for sharing and learning aimed at providing brief units to share the identified good practice with peers through short online materials.Identify good practices.
Organize five thematic pilot webinars.
INSPIRES will provide the resources for local testing activities to take place so that the transferability of the good practices is mapped.Calling for and setting up volunteer network of female refugees.Run 5 local piloting events with refugees to organize sport activities.Organize an online Feed-Forward Workshop for the 5 piloting event organizers.
Organize 6 national female refugee football tournaments to support individuals and organizations in the Female
Refugee Volunteer Network to apply their communicative, social and cultural competences.Connect the 6 tournaments to 6 high level national public policy roundtables
Publish a clear and actionable set of policy recommendations for governing bodies and key actors.